Christian Ministry Certificate


Summary: All courses available in the Christian Ministry Certificate program.


$60 per course


Accredited by HLC & ABHE


Can be done entirely online


Counts toward bte365官网地址 degree


All Courses

All courses are transferable into a bte365官网地址 degree program. Courses are also considered an elective and worth 1 credit hour each.

Certificate Course


Apologetics  THEO 
Biblical Evangelism THEO 
Christian Beliefs THEO 
Christian Family FAHS 
Christian Living THEO 
Christian Worship Church Music
Communication  COMM 
Doctrine and Practice of the Church THEO 
Eschatology  THEO 
Exploring the New Testament BIST 
Exploring the Old Testament BIST 
Faith Traditions of the World CREL 
Holy Life THEO 
Life and Ministry of Jesus BIST 
Ministry Leadership MNED 
Principles of Biblical Interpretation BIST 
Romans  BIST 
Spiritual Formation THEO 
Survey of Christian History I Church History
Survey of Christian History II Church History

Registration Period

  • Spring Semester
    • January 9th – April 1st
  • Summer Term
    • June 1st – July 1st
  • Fall Semester
    • August 19th – November 1st

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Each course is divided into five sections with a final exam over everything covered in the course. Below is an overview of what to expect.

Content Format

The core content for each of the five sections is provided in both text and audio format.


A timed (60-minute), open book pre-test with twenty multiple choice questions. The pre-test can be taken as many times as the student wishes in preparation for the section test. No official grade is recorded for pre-tests.


A timed (60-minute), open book test with twenty multiple choice questions. The test can be taken twice. The highest grade of the two attempts is recorded.

Final Examination

A timed (120-minute), open book test with fifty multiple choice questions. The test can be taken twice. The highest grade of the two attempts is recorded.

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  3. Choose “Use application login.”
  4. Use this information to log in:
a note from

Eli Albring

Transitioning to college can be scary with many unknowns!

I am here to make it as easy as possible so give me a call and we can chat.

Text me at (513) 402-2428 or call 513-763-6565.

Hi! My name is Eli Albring.

Transitioning to college can be scary with many unknowns!

I am here to make it as easy as possible so give me a call and we can chat.

Text me at (513) 402-2428 or call the number below.

